selah massey
MISSIONARY: outreach, vision, development
Selah is a CODA & SODA, a child of Deaf adult and siblings of Deaf adults. Selah has been immersed in the Deaf community since birth. Selah understands Deaf culture and has a heart for the Deaf community. She feels the burden of reaching the Deaf community for Jesus. She learned directly from Vonda her whole life. Selah has done mission work in 11 countries and been to 44 states in the United States. Selah graduated with her bachelors as a triple major in Practical Ministry with a focus in Youth and Family, Bible, and Psychology. Selah is halfway through completing her master’s degree in Professional Counseling, but she has placed that on pause. Yet she learned many valuable tools that has provided her with insight. Selah has worked as a Kids Pastor for almost 10 years and that experience has helped shape her tremendously. Vonda chose Selah to take over EOE because Selah thinks so much like her mother and they both have a deep love and passion for reaching the Deaf community.

missionary: Videographer, editor, tech guy
Steven Hamilton has been involved in videography and editing for decades. His precision and dedication is evident across all of our content. He is patient, and he learned ASL so that he could communicate within the Deaf community and edit the videos according to the signs. Steven is gifted with all things technology. He videotaped more than 340 songs and 410 devotionals on behalf of Expressions of Emmanuel. Steven is our behind the scenes guy who plays a pivotal role in the ministry.

sharon & ladell kirk
admin & finances
Sharon is the EOE admin but she wears many hats. There are times where we're not sure how she balances them all on her head. She is gifted at planning events, brainstorming, reserving travel and outreach accommodations, donor relations, and the list goes on. Ladell is our meticulous accountant who works hard to keep everything in order and organized. Both, Sharon and Ladell, were touched by the need and joined EOE to offer their skills and talents to the ministry.
vonda hamilton
Vonda dedicated her life to loving people like Jesus did! If you were in her presence you saw a glimpse of the love of our heavenly father. She traveled to many countries learning the native ASL so that Deaf people could learn that they are not cursed and that they are loved and treasured by God. She made it her life mission to reach the Deaf, and her impact still touches lives today in a mighty way.